correct your dog's dry food ration

Correct your dog's dry food ration

Determining exactly how much kibble to give your dog each day is essential to keeping them in good shape. Especially when you go from an active period of sport to a more moderate period in terms of energy expenditure.

Why is this essential?  You need to be sure that they are receiving the right quantities of nutrients, minerals, fats, proteins and other micronutrients, which are essential for their bodies to function properly and maintain a healthy weight. All this, of course, without excess or deficiency. Dogs are carnivores, but each one is different. That's why it's vital to find the right ration for your dog's build.

Determining your dog's fitness weight
dog forest

Case 1/ your dog is very thin

If you follow the recommended amounts on the kibble packets and your dog looks very thin, then the product is not suited to your dog's activity level. However, diet is not the only factor that can explain this condition: your pet may be affected by external factors (such as worms or germs), which may affect its ability to assimilate kibble. Our first piece of advice is to deworm your dog and have a check-up with your vet.

At the same time, we also recommend switching to a range of kibbles offering more fat and more protein. Your four-legged friend will then gradually return to a healthy weight.

dog kibbles decathlon

Case 2/ your dog is thin

Your dog is a bit too thin: All you have to do is increase the daily ration (but beware of overfeeding) and, during sporting periods (when activity is more intense than during the rest of the year), switch to a protein-rich kibble to help your pet regain muscle mass. Supplementation with specific food supplements can also be considered in addition to kibbles (don't hesitate to ask your regular vet for advice on this).

However, you should be aware that the dietary transition for your dog, just like for humans, takes time. Results are not immediate: this increase in the daily ration must be done gradually! If the rations offered are too high from the outset, your dogs won't be able to assimilate the extra food, which could lead to digestive problems.

Case 3/ your dog is the ideal weight

Don't change a thing, your dog is in top form. Just adjust their food to suit their activity (off-season or peak season) and the number of outings they go on to ensure they have enough energy!


Case 4/ your dog is overweight

Your dog is slightly overweight, but that's nothing to worry too much about. Reduce their recommended daily allowance and take them out to exercise, so they can get rid of their excess fat and rebuild their muscles.

Also, avoid "snacks" (table scraps and other treats) between meals and remember to keep your companion well hydrated, as this is how they will eliminate their excess body fat.

Case 5/ your dog is obese

The dog is overweight. If your companion resembles the diagram above, be careful: excess weight can cause suffering (and can also be dangerous for their health). We advise you to switch to a lower-fat diet, which will help control your dog's weight. You should also take your pet out as often as possible, as frequent exercise is still the best way to keep it fit.

The goal here is to limit calorie intake little by little: don't restrict your pet's food from one day to the next; on the contrary, go gradually by reducing their daily rations. There is a risk of trying to get immediate results, which is counter-productive.


Just as with humans, hydration plays a fundamental role for our four-legged companions as well. It's true, we tend to say that a well-hydrated dog is a healthy dog. Consequently, to ensure your pet drinks accordingly, we recommend that you soak the kibble for 5 minutes before giving it to your dog. This will result in the kibble swelling - the kibble will be full of water. This will ensure that your dog is properly hydrated.

Water-soaked kibble has a larger volume to be ingested, which makes your dog feel fuller more quickly. In addition, the extra water consumed in this way will speed up the dog's excretion process. This will prevent him from "storing too much" and consequently from gaining too much weight. In short, assimilation is facilitated.

Find all our kibbles here

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