Breeds & specificities
It can be hunted with a variety of dogs, although the pointer is the most commonly used dog, as a matter of custom. Indeed, its role is to find the game and block it. In this way, it indicates to the hunter the bird's presence. The hunter then has time to get to the dog to try to bag the bird.
The most commonly used pointing dogs are: the English setter, the griffon khortal, the Brittany spaniel, and the pointer. Some of them are said to be long-distance tracking dogs, hunting between 200 and 300 metres, like the setter or pointer. Others are referred to as short-distance tracking dogs, hunting between 30 and 50m, such as the Brittany Spaniel for example. This information is important when choosing the right hunting dog.
Hunting with a game dog, such as a springer for example, is different because the role of the dog is to find and flush the game out of its hiding place. The dog will not stop it, so the hunter must be on guard at all times and in close proximity to the dog if they are to have any hope of catching the game.